One word = Discipleship
Does music and discipleship even go together? YES
WE believe that a minister of music / worship leader’s primary responsibility is to invest in the spiritual growth of the people under their care. (That means your choir, praise team, instrumentalists, techies, etc.)
Over the years, discipleship has been one of the farthest things from the minds of most music leaders.
The church in general has emphasized “specialized” ministry positions specifically (music, youth, children, etc).
This compartmentalized mindset has led to the exaltation of musical skill / performance in a leader and devalued the importance of spiritual depth.
While these “specialized” areas are certainly not going away any time soon, there is an overwhelming need for leaders in these areas to prioritize the spiritual over the musical.
It is important for choirs to learn their parts so that they can give God their best and clearly communicate the gospel on Sunday morning.
However, have we ever stopped to evaluate what we are after?
Are we really concerned with building “more fully devoted followers of Christ” or “more fully devoted & musically proficient choir members?”
Are we about building a music ministry or about building people?
Are we about fulfilling our musical vision or the mission of the church in which we serve?
The music that glorifies God the most comes from the lives of His children being conformed more into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ!